
How To Use Dismal In A Sentence

The quick intervention in the supply of farm inputs by Government later on the dismal performance past the individual sector has saved the situation.
The future looked dismal due to the lack of spare tires and a dwindling oxygen supply.
In the midst of all the dismal circumambience nosotros even so tin can take hope and can beget to smile.
He struggled through a dismal first afterward losing his hot immature passer in an exhibition game.
The terrain varied from dismal rows of dunes to broiled claypan, rock-tiled wasteland to brutal, waterless mountains.
Almost every decade some dismal group of self-proclaimed patriots mobilises to repel a new invasion or destructive threat.
For those with decadent dreams and a dismal credit rating, the following advice will warm the cockles of your middle.
Corruption takes root when donors await failure and recipients know that dismal functioning volition bring no agin consequences.
The folderol that followed was rather dismal, with aroused bourgeois politicians threatening to reform the judiciary.
Thus, when ane side was bathed in calorie-free and warmth, the other would exist a cold, dismal identify shrouded in darkness.
Luke is the oldest and the least important employee of a dismal company that imports cloth.
Those bright patches of colour certainly stand up out from the dismal grounds of the estate.
What can one say well-nigh this dismal situation in an editorial or a commentary?
The Spider web was a dismal place for ingesting information considering it was visually bereft, hard to motion around in, and generally unpleasant.
The law have a success charge per unit in interdicting the menstruation of artillery that is even more than dismal than the recent tape of the W Indies cricket team.
And they are anxious about dismal public ship, muddied public conveniences, rip-off days out and restaurants that are anti-children.
As glorious Tramore yet again defied the dismal weather forecasts the fans flocked to the seaside venue.
He shoots the boardroom scenes in dismal office-form lighting, showing every crease and cockle on the stressed faces inside the room.
We got back a calendar week agone quite dismal at having to go out Italy, and are slowly getting used to the frowsiness of our glorious country.
A dismal week for Wales brought downward the curtain on the era of that great player, but who will replace him?

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The game ended with Town having another endeavor disallowed on full time just to seal a dismal 24-hour interval.
His tape as a terror fighter is about as dismal as his record as a gangbuster is commendable.
Part of the dismal run is the team's porous defense force which has conceded an incredible 52 goals in 29 matches.
The supernatural thriller takes place in the gloomy, nighttime dismal backwoods exterior New Orleans.
Shortly the dismal, dark skies over Heathrow had given mode to a bright blue, with the sun glinting on Concorde's delta wings.
Doctors attribute the dismal treatment charge per unit to the fact that many depressed people do not recognize their symptoms.
As they sat on grayness folding chairs in the desert wasteland, the state of war seemed to be in dismal shape.
Muddied lanes surround dismal tin shacks and there is an aureola of despondency and despair, which even the myriads of children do picayune to dispel.
Yet, information technology was dire, dismal, every bit dreary as the gray mist that enveloped the new stadium for the duration of the game.
A polar jet stream appears to be the cause of the dismal weather condition, say the experts.
Little wavelets came upwardly around his feet, oily and silent in this dismal weather.
She'd been walking and so long she barely noticed the common cold and damp, the sticking mud and the dismal atmospheric condition.
It'due south a grey twenty-four hour period but this identify feels every bit if it would be dismal regardless of the conditions.
Final year I grew a dark red variety which was really striking, thriving on neglect despite the dismal weather.
It's a chance for cultural liberation, to escape the dismal oppression of autocratic bullies.
1 idea is pushing election 24-hour interval back into October, to spare voters going to the polls in dismal weather.
No 1'due south mood was helped by the dismal weather outdoors, the sky was grey and the wind was blasting.
All of a sudden, the onslaught of dismal economic news seems to be weighing heavily on the president and his party.
He finally appeared from the depths of the dismal room dressed in his usual black turtleneck and blue jeans.
And mine is the world of the rented room, where damp creeps in in the dismal gloom and music is the only thing I own.

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That afternoon the conditions was overcast and somewhat dismal, with lite snow falling almost continually.
Ali led me upwardly a narrow path way lined with trees and brush, to a small motel that looked desolated and dismal.
The dismal weather for much of the calendar week was no assistance and there were times when Tralee Racecourse was a drab identify to be.
The dismal picture that emerges is indeed depressing, and sometimes infuriating.
Recollect the calorie-free that shone from me long agone if I am besides dismal now, merely remember me.
Gail marched afterwards the man enthusiastically, followed by a rather nervous Emy, a dismal Mary, and a grinning Nora.
If these really are the views of those around him, i fears he must run with a rather dismal crowd.
It'southward at this point that we come up to the dismal apprehension of why attention waned in the first place.
In the morning as the dismal crowds drained from their former residences into the Mission Square the old man died.
For some reason, any childhood memory in this city has ever been bleak and dismal at best.
After the past ten days in the spotlight, internal morale for the 200 STB staff is dismal.
These dismal figures don't include the entitlement reforms proposed by the President.
The club partly blamed crashing out of Europe to Feyenoord, which went on to win the UEFA Cup, for the dismal figures.
Failing to do so imperils his chances by giving us nothing to be excited well-nigh, much less to work for and a likely dismal voter turnout.
We were dismal in the Hong Kong history circular, but did satisfactorily in current events.
The play is a history of his romantic failures, with amorous adventures ranging from the comic to the pitiful but always dismal failures.
The league's nonconference winning pct was worse than last season's dismal figure.
Our effort to tame nature so that the temperature is e'er comfortable has been a dismal failure.
Nosotros encounter this as nothing merely the most dismal of choices and are saddened to run across the determined few who want to create the ruination of many.
These are dismal figures, forcing the people of Taiwan to face the brutal reality of an economic winter.

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This year's entrada will follow the dismal showing of 2004 where the event didn't even get off the footing considering of a lack of interest.
But this is the limit of the skillful news to be dredged from a dismal couple of days in Brussels.
This self-centredness bothered some of his followers, who quit later the party's dismal electoral operation.
America and Nihon also had fairly stiff growth, although Western Europe had a more dismal performance.
Start, I managed to get up at 4am, even afterwards a actually dismal night's sleep.
The mishap with the bus did not aid but it cannot be blamed totally for this dismal operation.
I tin can tell you, I was in a very poor mood for quite a while due to the dismal turnout.
The coaches must get the crime in a productive manner afterwards last flavor'south dismal operation.
The dismal science says, when essential stuff is deficient, you've got to trade something for something else.
That dreadful outlook is one of the reasons economics is considered a dismal science.
To the economy, and every cloud has a silver lining, they say, but in the dismal science, as they call economics, the opposite is often truthful.
As Great britain television churns out dismal sitcoms and docusoaps, the nation that invented trash TV is taking risks and winning.
As the end of 1999 approached, consistently dismal domestic and export coal loadings gave the nation's ports little reason to cheer.
It was also a dismal store and the concept of trying to serve both upmarket and downmarket clients was never going to work.
Almost conventional discussions of the Exodusters focus on the dismal conditions and subjugation that prompted a mass movement.
We knew nosotros were in for a lashing from the press because to lose to the USA fabricated u.s.a. the laughing stocks of the game and actually information technology was dismal.
The popular Aussie made some abortive attempts at comebacks, with dismal results, and then turned to fulltime telly golf commentaries.
Information technology was an inappropriate appointment, in that information technology was clearly a dismal waste material of his extravagant talents.
Usually he'd put a smile on his face up during a meeting similar this, but instead he wore a very dismal expression.
With no rewards in the writing, the cinematography, and dismal acting, that's asking manner as well much.

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I think everyone agrees that Warren has washed a dismal job of being a Big Blood brother hole-and-corner agent.
Afternoon turned into evening, evening into a dismal, dark, rainswept nighttime.
And then she is understandably dismissive of the dismal gorse and whin on view outside the living room window of her Council house.
It was a dismal campaign characterised by public apathy and political evasiveness.
At one stage, only the dismal form of whipping boys Caerphilly looked capable of saving them from the indignity of a winless season.
Recalling that dismal time, Iris stared at the crystal stalk of her vino glass.
Thompson, who has a badly bruised foot and limped from the dismal fray early in the 2nd-one-half on Tuesday, could be out for two weeks.
Transfer tax consequences, forced liquidation and business organization failures are amongst the dismal results of poor succession planning.
It was strange to her how much the scenery had inverse, from eerie and dismal to lush and dark.
The market place has been tainted with poor quality products, dismal performance and overwhelming disappointment.
Although the celebration will be as muted as a saxophone full of scalloped potatoes considering his dismal last place finish in a field of two.
Over the past couple of weeks many expert ideas take been bandied around connected with Sri Lanka'south dismal showing in South Africa.
His bronze was United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland's 3rd medal of the Games, sealing a remarkable turnaround in fortune later a dismal starting time calendar week.
The visitor blamed its dismal operation on, of all things, Valentine's Twenty-four hours falling on a Friday.
Even though investor sentiment seems to be downright dismal, it may however not be dismal plenty.
A 1969 survey had turned upwardly a dismal count of just 21 tuis and 24 bellbirds for the entire isle.
Why should members bother to belong to an system that negotiates such a dismal contract?
The dismal showing detailed by the establish plays no part in this reconstructed history.
Coming into the final Grand Slam of a dismal season, Sampras had been knocked out early in a tune-up event, but refused to hang his head.
The twentieth century has received a dismal press and, for the almost part, equitably and then.

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I sniffle to a halt, and blow my olfactory organ messily on the handkerchief in my pocket, and fold it back in, dismal.
As uncharismatic and incompetent as William Hague, Britain's one-time Conservative Leader may have been, his successor could be even more than dismal.
Despite his starting time shot but travelling a dismal thirty yards, the golfer was undeterred and played almost a third of his rounds in the pelting.
I toyed again with my gin, not quite certain why my mood was such hopeless, dismal despair.
Indeed, past the end of last yr, a season in which he slumped to a dismal 133rd on the money list, he had lost his correct to even play in Europe.
Selby Boondocks slumped to their get-go home defeat since Oct following a dismal brandish confronting Denaby United.
Letting famous film directors direct operas has resulted in both smashing successes and dismal failures.
It was dark and dismal past early on afternoon, lights projected star-rays on the street, unreally.
They would as well exist appalled past our enormous national debt and the dismal status of our huge welfare programs.
Eight matches were lost due to the referee problem and 2 because of unseasonal weather, getting the season off to a dismal and difficult beginning.
Only accept a look at the dismal performance of our boxers confronting boxers from other provinces.
Angel hadn't realized that a person could audio so dismal outside of a soap opera.
There's the dismal frame rate, which is up and down like a bride'due south nightie.
For many bulls, this is one ray of hope in the economy's overall dismal film.
The entrepreneur who is on the verge of dismal failure, grinds information technology out and builds a successful business.
In that location are far fewer of the dismal and squalid educatee properties than there used to exist.
However, the by-elections involved real votes and existent people, and the results are no less dismal for them.
Spring volition get off to a dismal beginning today with gales, hailstones and thunder storms.
Cursory, chatty and digestible, the book should abnegate the former canard that economics is dismal.
Bouton, who assesses the dismal prospects for conversion of African slaves in half-dozen pages, devotes 2 entire chapters to the Carib Indians.

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None of the Tablet PCs on the stocks fall into that category, not even the Crusoe prototype, which claims dismal endurance of 4 hours.
Evidence for the dismal state of the public wellness services is well documented.
Even by the dismal standards of modern political oratory, it was drastic stuff.
The weather condition'due south dismal and the light grey and the landscape reminds you of everything that'southward hellish about the country.
U.k. has followed the same dismal pattern, with Chelsea tractors making upward one in seven of all automobiles sold in London.
Would-be entertainers with an almost hallucinatory shortage of talent would enact their dismal showbiz fantasies before an audience of hostile yahoos.
Only aging stars, a dismal season, and dissension in the front end office are dragging the franchise downwardly.
A team that was already depressed over its dreadfully dismal season now must mourn the loss of its very popular possessor.
Part of the explanation for this dismal tape of non-rescue is our capacity for willed blindness.
The shady lava lamp in the corner of the room supplied a dismal crimson light, the bubbly pink shimmers on the wall cruel onto his flaccid, ageless, sweaty trunk.
Ryan McGarry K.D., manager of the documentary Code Black, addresses the dismal land of urgent care.
The laws of economics are on the side of the liberalisers, and whatever drawbacks the dictates of the dismal scientific discipline may have, moral outrage is not ane of them.
Was it that the insult was directed at kid, including one who was among the feel-good stories of otherwise dismal season?
It is not surprising, given this picture, that economics became known as the dismal scientific discipline, since the only equilibrium situation was one of subsistence wages.
If the dismal finances persist, some carriers may try to unlock the value of their miles programs by spinning them off as dissever publicly traded companies.
It was 1976, and the family had been living in the dismal boondocks of Iguala in the state of Guerrero.
Well, she apparently doesn't believe that economic science is the dismal scientific discipline.
This is nowhere most every bit dismal as it sounds, because they include payroll bureaux representing 5,000 companies, then a full of 6 meg employees is now covered.
Given the dismal state of nonpublic higher educational activity, the government should establish a special task forcefulness that would consider relevant experience of other countries.
On a fatal journey dorsum to England a tempest rocked his transport and as the crew and dismal captain bailed water from the ship, an amazing matter happened for John.

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In achieving this aim, the frequently dismal weather helps immeasurably.
Her reassuring smile did little to reassure her dismal friends.
That's a long style from the top-notch victories he served upwards a few years agone, but information technology'southward a darn sight ameliorate than the dismal showings he'due south had the last two years.
It made the dusty, dismal main street of Bleak seem somewhat melancholy.
Perhaps information technology'southward because the Spanish love their country so much that they don't fancy the common cold, dismal United kingdom and realise our streets are not paved with gold.
Many of today'due south shooters have tried shooting these former rifles and experienced dismal results when the bullets failed to expand properly and obturate the bore.
Just one exhibition of more than twenty that make up this year'south Mois de la Photo, World Press Photo contains no shortage of similarly dismal captures.
I laughed despite my dismal mood and felt improve than I had all dark.
It was a dismal functioning and another man might accept been cleaved past information technology.
His about recent films, execrable turkeys have accomplished the seemingly incommunicable by existence even crasser and less watchable than their dismal predecessors.
And the desserts are an oddly dismal lot, from an apple pie in which the fruit is stiff, the crust sodden, to a stodgy strawberry shortcake on hard, stale biscuits.
Governments are rightly faulted for their dismal economical operation.
However, 1 staff member told the Western People that although the mood is dismal at the plant, the staff realise that information technology is not merely them who will lose out.
It seems to be intrinsic to domestic politics of every variety that a certain dismal down trend emerges, characterized by sloth, despondency and complacency.
This is 1 of the dismal things nigh the dismal science of economic science.
The symbolic suitability of night and dismal weather condition, still, is non the main reason Mary Shelley selected this particular calendar month for the nativity of Victor's charnel fauna.
I'd just got dorsum from a very damp and dismal trip to Taunton station, chauffeuring Graham to take hold of the train back to London, and I was feeling a little down.
Passengers at Haymarket station are sustained in their long vigils by the wit of a waggish train announcer who does his best to bring cheer to their dismal existences.
Let the reader picture show to himself the open coffin with the corpse of the lovely girl, surrounded by the hired mourners singing their dismal De profundis in hoarse voices.
Dull, dismal and discarded, he wallows in misery and loathing.

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I had a hard time beingness in a dismal mood when Riley was with me.
By that mensurate, besides, Australia's contempo functioning looks dismal.
The cod's the best bit here, only in nutritional terms, it trails a dismal 2d to oily varieties of fish such as salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel and swordfish.
I was disappointed to see very few contributions to the patients' effect from doctors who currently face patients in an emergency, at unsocial hours, in dismal environment.
The dismal mumblings of everyday business organisation in the House of Commons, the creaking pomposity of the Lords, the ghastly flummery of the country opening are overlooked.
But it is this hybridity that makes the bear witness a dismal failure.
He must be aghast at England'southward dismal results, even if he does not blame Robinson for the lack of a global vision for the defence of the world title.
But in my office, when I have nothing to do, the earth seems do dismal, pointless and punishing that it tin exist difficult to call back flowers and sunshine.
What at first seems simply a deft homage comes to assume a dismal complication.
Authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner make the dismal scientific discipline a lot less dismal by regaling readers with one counterintuitive economic analysis subsequently another.
Several artillery regiments in Hackensack and Ridgefield Park were shelling zombie positions in Englewood and the Teaneck gold class, only the arsenal's fate was dismal.
But there was still a paper to exit in Washington, and I went there late in the afternoon to tackle the dismal job.
In this list of presidents with dismal tastes, he'southward in a league of his ain with his love for New England clam chowder.
She has immense white teeth that snap, and a bugly bonnet, with one dismal ostrich feather wobbling sternly on end.
Viasma on the other hand, presented every bit dismal a scene every bit we had whatever where witnessed. Nearly all the large houses were gutted and burnt.
Liverpool'due south efforts thereafter had an air of agony as their dismal 2012 league course connected.
I've argued that we cannot rely on the justice arrangement to control criminal offence and that our recent attempt to exercise so has been a dismal failure.
Though a number of Keaton'due south early on talkies fabricated impressive profits, they were artistically dismal.
Pakistan overcame a dismal start in the tournament to eventually defeat England by 22 runs in the final and emerge as winners.
At the Belgian Chiliad Prix Button again had a dismal showing and was taken out by Romain Grosjean on the first lap.

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Pigs roam amid the abased houses and Tenby presents a dismal spectacle.
United had led the tabular array for much of the season before a run of dismal results in April saw them overtaken past the West Yorkshire side.
His monologue stopped abruptly with a sharp dissonance like a thundercrack that rolled in dreary echoes circular the dismal mere.
Ridgewell merely had a dismal evening, finding Villa's pacier players way too abrupt and sprightly.
Mahonias likewise have the reward of tolerating shady atmospheric condition, thus even the almost dismal corner of the garden can be livened up.
He is not a brilliant geostrategist, and his understanding of economics is dismal.
At the scrag end of a dismal outset period, he ripped a 20-yarder across the startled Marking Bosnich which hit the right-hand post.
Then over again, the track record of Democrats is a dismal thwarting, likewise.
As an older volunteer, learning Setswana was extremely difficult for me, especially with the dismal state of the grooming.
In Tibet, expect Buddhist monks and bar-room mama-sans, breathtaking lamaseries and dismal new office blocks.
A tremendous Lee Mills bomb in the 33rd infinitesimal was non enough for Portsmouth to improve on their dismal away record.
But the runway tape of disruptive owners in Nippon is pretty dismal.
A MILLS bomb was not enough for Portsmouth to improve on their dismal away performances as Town'south home-grown strikers hit back in a super second-half display.
Simply information technology looks similar the intense involvement is already on the wane Stateside, after magazines sporting bride-to-be Kate Middleton as the cover girl reported dismal sales.
Number-crunchers have analysed the statistics for all of West Ham'southward games in their dismal season, with their last two matches showing an increase in piece of work rate.
But there was no sign of intrepidness from Miodrag Radulovic's men, instead confusion, insouciance and ineptitude defined their quite dismal display.
By the side of many alpine and bouncing young ladies in the establishment, Rebecca Abrupt looked like a child. But she had the dismal precocity of poverty.
Eugene'south visual arts world, too, got fifty-fifty drabber when Opus 7 closed its doors in April, continuing a dismal trend for galleries here over the past few years.
And that is where the picture is still so dismayingly bleak and dismal.
It was this way of looking at things that gave to political economy the name of the dismal scientific discipline.
But even he who has read only thus far must know that political economy is no cold-blooded or dismal science, equally people say.
The storm cloud of dissension still hung threateningly, and the hereafter looked black and dismal.
They assembled themselves together of set purpose to exist lively, and they were infectiously dismal.
My outset night in this dismal and strangely ordered house had opened annihilation but propitiously.
Men purchase and sell their millions, subsidize states, and raise loans in dens dark and dismal enough to be prison-cells.
If Bellerophon had been told truly, it was in one of those dismal valleys that the hideous chimaera had taken up its abode.
These dismal shells, when they burst in the air, were like the fireworks at a fte.
To the devil with this dismal darkness, wrapping itself nearly i with a chill!
The inflow of white blood was small, and much of what did come lost itself in the dismal swamp of miscegenation.
The katydid has ceased again her dismal song, and long since the cat slunk away behind the grape-trellis to seek new fields.
Some of the about dismal quarters of the boondocks are colonised by her disciples and professors.
He wished Dwelling might always wear such a dismal veil of dampness, scirocco, and deject.
His concern was to wale dismal, and bow his head downwardly, the band playin slow and melancholly moosic.
Thus we learned the dismal place to which your noble daughter had been and then perfidiously ensnared.
Pedro obeyed, but shortly subsequently returned with a almost dismal and elongated visage.
Many a dismal and unhappy tale might be wrought out of its other adventures.
The copse were scraggy, loppy old things hanging down in dismal sweep over the leaky roof and clammy walls.
It was and so, for much of its distance, rather a dismal stream, sluggishly winding through marshes lined with alders.
Whenever he stayed home in the evening he went to bed early on, and thriftily got ahead in those dismal duties.

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The dismal Hecate did not much similar the idea of going abroad into the sunny world.
Non forgotten was that long and dismal stretch where buffalo fries were the only fuel.
Everything seemed to be going on then propitiously that Dainty cast her dismal forebodings to the winds.
He blamed the dismal science for the dismal facts and for the inadequacies of its classic expounders.
I have travelled a chip, showtime and terminal, but nothing more than dismal than an American water ice-foam parlor practice I remember to have seen.
The Indians informed him that all the region below consisted of dismal, countless, uninhabitable swamps.
It would have been dismal to add idleness and unsettledness to the discouragement acquired by such a beginning of our voyage.
Then she thought of Dad, and though even so dismal, unwished the wish, and was content to remain a girl.
Its loud, dismal, booming note probably assisted in the formation of the bunyip legends of the blacks.
Tom partly uncovered a dismal caricature of a house with two gable ends to it and a corkscrew of fume issuing from the chimney.
Goodbye to the dismal, blood-carmine phantom of martial renown!
A lot of these hung forth the walls and modified the night, just toned it downwards enough to make information technology dismal.
Information technology was a dismal hour for the proud court of the doughty governor.
His answer was not auspicious to my spirits, for it consisted of two dismal words, 'With whopping.
Then the lighter sand and ash came down in plough, stretching like a winding sail and smoking over the dismal scene.
The interception of all lateral low-cal caused a dismal gloom.
The toothlessness in front of goal that currently seems to be afflicting Paul Lambert'south side is the key to their dismal home form, I call up.
This dismal performance in promoting economic freedom has resulted in low standards of living in the region.
The dismal occurrence of the night, and the dismal narrations they had fabricated, had left a superstitious feeling in every mind.
The just chair that dismal room contained was occupied by Kenneth.

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It was too dismal to confess he had not collected a kopeck or i recruit.
The network of dismal streets stretching over the surrounding neighborhood contains a population for the nearly role of the poorer gild.
More than any other result does stranding bring to the sailor a sense of utter and dismal failure.
Tuberculous meningitis is a frequent cause of meningitis in South Africa and has a dismal prognosis.
I'm wretched, woeful, afflicted, distressed and dismal every bit an individual tin be.
Yet, they love it, and the dismal piano beats a tinny accompaniment.
Though the night was dark and dismal, all the same the grade of the unknown might at present in some degree be ascertained.
Information technology was a dismal service, with its dreary sermon and its tuneless hymns.
Once more he heard the dismal weep, and fancied it held a mocking note.
He spent a dismal day in town and did not recover his spirits until the evening, when he was seated in his compartment in the Brittany express.
The opening day was a dismal, rainy, fall 24-hour interval, only verging on wintertime.
At this dismal intelligence, I twisted the only push on my waistcoat round and circular, and looked in groovy depression at the fire.
Bisley is a beautiful place, but Woking cemetery is a dismal neighbor.
Merely a twelvemonth ago we were groaning over the dismal Christmas we expected to accept.
Lucky for y'all I am, for if I put on crushed arrogance and tried to exist dismal, as you do, we should be in a nice country.
It is a sort of steady, persistent, overwhelming, incessantly driving downpour, which makes your centre ill, and opens information technology to dismal forebodings.
In the fourth dimension of Pliny it had become a dismal and silent place.
But Hester could not resolve the query, using herself in a dismal labyrinth of doubt.
But these piddling instances are trifles indeed, contrasted with the ponderous and dismal German language organization of piling jumbled compounds together.
I fifty-fifty fancied that I heard the expiring sighs of those who, like myself, had come into this dismal place alive.

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It was not in bulletproof shadow every bit the other objects in the yard were, just had a dismal light about it, similar a bad lobster in a dark cellar.
His mind was full of dismal presentiments, whether from mysterious dreams, or the intimations of the medicine wolf, does not appear.
In that location were fewer houses and fewer fruit trees, and the further they went the more dismal and lonesome the land became.
When I would recreate myself, I seek the darkest woods the thickest and nearly interminable and, to the citizen, near dismal, swamp.
She felt a dismal suspicion that this was going to daunt her.
Not so with our old Inspector One brief sigh sufficed to carry off the entire burden of these dismal reminiscences.
But the confinement of the ane is as cheerful and fascinating as the solitude of the other is dismal and repellant.
He got information technology out, rumpled and wilted, and it mightily increased his dismal felicity.
But at all the dismal dinners, leaden lunches, basilisk balls, and other melancholy pageants, her mere advent is a relief.
This illuminated the entire room, just in a partial and dismal manner.
History and the dismal science had interested him immensely.
Nix tin be more dismal or dispiriting than the fearful uproar.
It was a very dubious-looking, nay, a very dark and dismal nighttime, bitingly common cold and cheerless.
This sci-fi actioner is insufferably sufferably dismal, depressing and deadening.
Here he was at least, and had been any fourth dimension these past 10 years, a sort of dismal parasite upon the foreigner in Paris.
And the siren sent its dismal blasts out into the greyness all nearly.
And so came the dismal thought of winter, begotten of the idea of fires.
Information technology was a dismal reminder of his boyhood at Sidon and Tasajara.
It allowed him to go to South Africa, knowing that even a monumentally dismal tournament would not impact the two years remaining on his PS6million-a-season contract.
Zippo merely two dismal tallow candles, each in a winding sail.

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Information technology will be a heavy responsibility, cousin, if you lot confine your brother to this dismal house and stifled air, when the delightful freedom of my state-seat is at his control.
Congenital upon a dismal reef of sunken rocks, some league or so from shore, on which the waters chafed and dashed, the wild year through, in that location stood a solitary lighthouse.
He stood for a few minutes property the candle aloft, and blinking on our travellers with a dismal and mystified expression that was truly ludicrous.
A dismal screech, equally of mere animal terror, rang from the cabinet.
For, though it exist to solitudes remote The hoarse vague echoes of my sorrows sound Thy matchless cruelty, my dismal fate Shall carry them to all the spacious world.
Next we went to visit the Morgue, that horrible receptacle for the expressionless who die mysteriously and get out the manner of their taking off a dismal secret.
The door of Scrooge's counting-house was open that he might go along his eye upon his clerk, who in a dismal fiddling cell beyond, a sort of tank, was copying letters.
Nosotros demand not seek in dismal church building-yards nor slumber in moated granges to come across the shadowy faces and hear the rustling of their garments in the night.
Information technology is habitually hard upon Sir Leicester, whose eyebrow it greenly mottles in the mode of sage-cheese and in whose aristocratic system it furnishings a dismal revolution.
Pickwick, edging a little from the balustrade, equally the possibility of the dismal homo'due south tipping him over, by manner of experiment, occurred to him rather forcibly.
Gathering the mangled bodies of the slain, and strapping them across their pack-horses, the warriors returned, in dismal procession, to the hamlet.
Nosotros're dismal enough without conjuring up ghosts and visions to perplex united states of america.
All that a sick man, irritated by suffering, can add of melancholy suppositions to probabilities already gloomy, Athos heaped up during the early hours of this dismal nighttime.
In this state, the waiter's dismal intelligence almost the ships immediately connected itself, without any try of my volition, with my uneasiness about Ham.
A few lawyers' clerks and others who know this suitor by sight linger on the adventure of his furnishing some fun and enlivening the dismal weather a picayune.
As I stood looking downward upon that lamentable and lonely mound, wrapped in the near dismal of reflections and premonitions, I was all of a sudden seized from behind and thrown to earth.
Our debt to the Basel Museum would have been greater if information technology had sent us his Pyramus and Thisbe or Cephalus and Procris rather than nevertheless another dismal scene of decapitation.
I thought information technology had the most dismal trees in it, and the well-nigh dismal sparrows, and the most dismal cats, and the near dismal houses, that I had ever seen.

How To Use Dismal In A Sentence,


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